The final parts of Project 3 are due at 2:30pm on Friday, December 14th.
There are a few pieces of this (each detailed below):
- The actual game itself, handed in and runnable in the handin directory, including instructions and a note as to whether we can keep it public. Note: the deadline for this is fairly strict (2:30pm on 12/14) since we’ll be playing the game at that time.
- The “group post-mortem” – a document written by the group (collectively) answering the questions described below. It is mean to be written as a group activity. Note, while this is due 2:30pm on 12/14, everyone gets a no-cost extension until Monday 12/17, noon. Your group only needs to turn this in once. Please email it to both the professor and the TA.
- Your personal project reflection. Each person should do this individually. Note, while this is due 2:30pm on 12/14, everyone gets a no-cost extension until Monday 12/17, noon.
Remember, the reflections (group and personal) are actually part of your class grade.
Project Hand-in
You need to turn in your game into your handin directory.
The index page (what one sees when they do to “YourDirectory/”) must have:
- A brief description of the game, including the title (and that it is a class project for CS679, Fall 2012).
- A list of the group members.
- A statement as to whether you are willing to leave this game on the “open” web for anyone to see (especially future classes). If you say "We do not want this game to be left on the web”, then the TA and Professor will remove it once grading is complete (we will archive it). Please do not remove it yourself.
- Either the instructions for the game, or a link to them.
- A list of any components you used (open source libraries, artistic resources that you borrowed from, …)
- A list of any requirements. For example you might say “This game was tested only tested on Chrome v. 23.”
- A link to start the game.
Make sure that everything you need to play the game (including the instructions and resources) are in the handin directory. Do not link to other directories.
Your game must run from the handin directory. If there is some technical problem with this, please try to work it out with the TA before asking for an exception to this rule.
Group Post-Mortem
As a group, we would like you to prepare a document discussing some aspects of your game. Please turn in one document for your whole group. While this is due before exams, you are allowed to turn it in late with no penalty (provided we get it before noon on noon on Monday, 12/17).
Please answer the following questions:
- What did your group learn from the play-test?
- How is your game different from what you showed at the play-test?
- What libraries / art resources did you use for your game? What did you use them for? Do you recommend them? (if you tried something and didn’t use it, please mention that as well)
- What features might we miss out on if we play the game? Since we won’t be able to play it a lot, and we might not be good at it, we might miss some things that lots of effort went into.
Per-Person Reflection
Each person should send a per-person reflection to the professor and TA. These are confidential (we will not tell your classmates what they said).
- Evaluate the game your produced. How happy are you with it? (this is about the actual thing we would play when we go to the web page – ignore any ugliness behind the scenes). What is good/bad?
- If you had another week, what would you do?
- Evaluate the process by which the game was made. What went right/wrong? How did your team work together to make the game? How did you divide up the tasks/coordinate?
- For each member of your group: give them an evaluation. What did they contribute? How good was their contribution? How well did they work with others?
- For each member of your group (including yourself): what grade would you give for this project and why? The “why” is particularly important if you don’t give everyone the same grade.
- It’s a cliché to ask “what did you learn from this project.” It’s also a difficult question to answer (but good self-reflection). So you can answer it if you can think of it.
An easier question (or pair): What advice would you give to someone starting this project? or What would you do the same/differently from what you did if you had to do it again? - Evaluate us (the course staff) with regards to this project. What could we have done to help you have done better? What should we keep/change about this project.
We do need to get your reflections (group and personal) by noon, Monday, December 17th, so we can do grading.