We’ve gotten into the home stretch here – just 2 weeks left to wrap up projects, and any topics we’re going to talk about. There won’t be any readings or assignments, so you can stay focused on your projects.
The big thing this week is the playtest on Friday, December 7th. As we’ve mentioned in class, this will be logistically complex. Remember to send your availability between 1:30 and 4pm to Mark (the TA) so he can schedule things. More details about how the playtests will be given in class.
- Tuesday, December 4 – We’ll talk about some more graphics tricks (shadow volumes, ambient occlusion, …), and start talking about AI.
- Thursday, December 6 – We will talk about the procedure for the playtests. We’ll talk about some other technical topics (probably AI).
- Friday, December 7 – Play test. There will be a set schedule where in scheduled 15 minute blocks you’ll be either observing someone playing your game, or playing someone else’s. You will be required to write about what you see (brief comments on the other games, and what you’ve learned about your games).
I should also note, that since we don’t have assignments and readings, the only way for you to learn what we’re talking about is by having you come to class. So for this phase of class, we’ll just have to assume that if you don’t come to class, you’re not learning the material, and the converse (if you come, you’ve learned the material – which admittedly is a crude approximation).