This week, we’ll really get Project 3 underway. Now that you have a plan, I think everyone realizes what it is going to take to get to that all important first milestone. This week, we’ll have few other demands on you other than to focus on the project. (Note: this won’t be a recurring theme – there will be more readings!). And we still owe everyone feedback on P2.
- Tuesday, November 13 – We’ll have a lecture on some technical topics. I have a list of things I feel compelled to teach you about, and I’ll pick a subset.
- Thursday, November 15h – We’ll have a guest lecture on sound design – Prof. Joe Koykkar. This should be really useful to get you to think about how to get sound into your games.
- Friday, November 16th – Signs of life demos. We’ll have a lab session, mainly as a time for you to work with your groups. Mark and I will both check-in with each group to make sure you’re making good progress towards those first goals, and that your communication processes are in place.
The following week, we’ll have a lecture (and a reading assignment) about HCI. And Thanksgiving.