This coming week in 679 you’ll wrap up project 2 and we’ll talk about graphics. Remember that Assignment 3 is due on Monday September 24th.
- Tuesday (Sep 25th) – We’ll start to talk about graphics. We’ll review some basics, the role of graphics in games, and some of the high-level strategies in graphics performance. Please get your Assignment 3 lists to Mark before noon on September 24th so we can plan this lecture.
- Thursday (Sep 27th) – We’ll talk about how graphics hardware works and what it means to program the pipeline. This will be important to understanding how to use WebGL (when we get to that next week).
- Friday (Sept 28th) – Project 1 Festival! During lab session, we’ll play all the projects. Specific hand-in requirements will be announced beforehand (but the most important piece is to make sure a playable version of your game is in your handin directory before lab time).
The following week, we’ll have lectures on Game Design and on WebGL, and we’ll announce Project 2. (no rest between projects!)