Some instructions on the last phases of Project 2
Milestone 3: Show and Tell. Friday Oct 21: we’ll meet in a lab session. At least one member of each group must be there. You’ll need to show the Professor what your progress is, and give some idea as to how things are going, and what you’ll have next week. The expectation is that you’ll have an incomplete, but playable, prototype. This is a good opportunity to show off an early prototype to your classmates as well to get some feedback.
Milestone 4: Playtests. Friday Oct 28: we’ll meet as a lab session again. Everyone sets up their games, and goes and plays other games.You should have a version of your game in the handin directory so that people can play the game remotely. Someone should be “watching” people play, while other group members play other games (and switch off). We’ll do the “index card” thing (turn in an envelope with your name on it, with index cards with feedback for other groups (put the group name on the card) – just like with Project 1. Please turn your envelope (with at least 5 cards in it) to Gautam before the end of the class period. He’ll sort them so you can get them back on Monday.
Final Handins: Friday, November 4th. Again, we’ll meet in a lab session to play the final games. The games must be in your handin directories (ask the TA – they have been created), and will be available on the way. At class time, your reflections will be due by email – instructions to be specified.
Note: like with Project 1, your handin directories are linked to the web. You can manipulate the visibility using the .htaccess file accordingly.
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