WebGL getting started

by Mike Gleicher on October 6, 2011

I was going to put together a WebGL tutorial. I made two examples:

first: the simplest example I could make. Everything in one file (in the html). The simplest possible shaders. Good for seeing how to get WebGL going.

second: a really simple example of drawing a square, and making it move and change appearance in the shader. Good for seeing how to get information for javascript to shaders.

These are a good place to get started, but I quickly realized there are lots of good tutorials on the web, and you’re better off learning from them. Here are a few to get you started – if you come across something good, please post it in the comments so others will know about it!

As I look around, I am amazed at how many cool WebGL examples there are. If you find any that you think are particularly noteworthy/instructive, please leave a comment on this post.

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