Project 1: update: Partners and Handins for P1

by Mike Gleicher on September 13, 2011

Partners and

Hopefully you will soon (on 9/12) receive email from Gautam with your project partner.

In that email, you should get the location of your handin directory. It will be a subdirectory of


although that is how Unix looks at the AFS directory. On Windows XP it would be:


I am hoping it will be the same in the new Windows 7 labs, but it might be slightly different. I recommend that you find this directory and confirm that you can write to it sooner rather than later (to make sure the directory exists and we got the permissions correct).

This directory will be made web accessible. We have placed an “.htaccess” file in each directory so that only authenticated CS users can see the contents. If you prefer to let the whole world see your work (which we recommend) remove the “.htaccess” file from the directory.

Your individual directory will be some combination of your names, for example, Gautam and I would have the directory


which will appear on the web at:

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