Due times and Late Policies

by Mike Gleicher on August 29, 2011

Whenever anything is assigned, the first thing people want to know are “when exactly is it due” and “what happens if I am late.”

In general, we make deadlines based on when things really need to be done. We’ll ask you to do readings and exercises before a lecture where they will be discussed. We’ll ask you to turn in your project before the demonstration where it will be evaluated. This will sometimes add some additional constraints (we’ll need to read over comments before lecture so we can work them into the discussion, …)


  • Each assignment/project component will have an explicit due date and time. Generally, there will be a reason for that (even if its just “we want you to be done with it so you can move on to the next thing”).
  • If a time isn’t given, then the deadline is the day. If the deadline is Thursday, then the assignment is due Thursday. That means not Friday. If its after midnight (12:01am Friday is not Thursday).
  • Anything turned in late will be noted. It will be penalized if it effects evaluation. If you turn something in too late for a demo, or after we read the assignments, we will note that you did something, but we may not be able to make alternate arrangements.
  • If you are consistently late (or otherwise do not follow direction) it will effect your grade.

In general, our goal is to give you as much time as possible to do great work, subject to the constraint that we need to have time to look at it.

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