Attendance and Participation

by Mike Gleicher on August 29, 2011

You are required to come to class and participate. Some of this is because a lot of the class material will only happen in the lectures / exercises, some of this is because we need to know that you are learning stuff (and don’t want to give too give exams). Some of this is that it will make it more fun and interesting for everyone (since we’ll hear from different points of view).

Attendance at “lectures” is required. Generally, this is Monday/Wednesday of each week. We will keep score.

If you are going to miss a lecture, inform the instructor.

Attendance at the "Friday Sessions” is optional. If we do some evaluation (like keeping score of participation), we will provide some way for you to do this even if you do not attend. However, you may need to find another way to learn the material.

Attendance means more than just showing up. It means being part of what is going on. It means paying attention and trying to learn. The class is large enough that not everyone will be able to participate in the discussion all the time – but everyone should make some effort to contribute.

Note: that if you cannot contribute through normal “class participation” (we realize that some people are more outspoken than others), we will provide other mechanisms (like making more postings to online discussions).

The various class activities (assignments, projects, take-home assessments) are required for everyone. We’ll consider the assignments, assessments and class participation together: so if you do poorly on one, there is the potential to do better on other parts.

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