This class will do course evals online. Please do an evaluation for this class. Even if you don’t come to lecture regularly (it’s a chance to tell me why).
If you go there, you can do online evals for all your classes using this system.
Because of the experimental nature of this class, feedback from evaluations is particularly important. Clearly, this class could be improved – and I’d really like to hear people’s ideas as to what went right and what went wrong. I really do read the evaluations, and act upon them. (in fact, the existence of this class is based on some feedback that suggested students wanted it)
If you prefer to give feedback non-anonymously, I welcome it as well (send me email, catch me after class, …). However, please do the online survey as well.
Also: the use of online evaluations in our department is an experiment. If you have feedback on that, please let me know (since I am involved in getting the department to switch over).