This week in 638…
- Monday (11/16) – You should have wrapped up Programming Puzzle 4.
- Monday (11/16) – You should look at Programming Puzzle 5 – so you can ask questions in class if you need to. The actual assignment is due next week
- No exact date: You should read one of the readings on jQuery. You should probably read this in preparation for Puzzle 5.
- Tuesday (11/17) – We’ll have a lecture on jQuery and asynchronous programming (the slides are here). And hopefully some help with Puzzle 5.
Looking ahead:
- Make sure that you’ve turned in Puzzle 3 and 4 – since grading will happen soon.
- Puzzle 5 is due on (11/23). You should read something about jQuery to help you do it. We may have a reading discussion to encourage people to do the readings.