
by Mike Gleicher on November 12, 2015

in Uncategorized

The grader has graded a number of assignments – a random sampling of the readings, the first 3 programming puzzles, and the first programming “assignment”. There’s a total of 8.

The scoring scheme is:

  • 0 = didn’t turn anything in
  • 1 = unacceptable for some reason (these are pretty rare)
  • 2 = check
  • 3 = solid check / check plus
  • 4 = notable assignment (rarely given)

If the first 8 graded assignments are indicative of what will happen in the next weeks, we can see how things are going. Based on the previous standards for passing (described here) you may be in trouble if:

  • Your median score is 2 or below
  • You do not have 6 or more of the assignments with grades > 1.

If you’re on either of these lines, you would be OK, but you should be careful (don’t miss too many more assignments). If you’re below these lines, you should make sure that you don’t miss any more assignments.

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