As some of your are noticing, there is grading information appearing on Canvas. It requires a little explanation.
Grading in this class is check/no check. But Canvas requires us to give numerical scores to assignments. In general, the grader has been instructor to give grades as follows:
- 0 = nothing turned in
- 1 = no check (something turned in, but either very late, or otherwise not acceptable)
- 2 = check (good enough)
- 3/4 = notable assignment
Note: 3s and 4s are only given for things that are notable – and the grader didn’t really have time to be super careful about it. So getting a 3 (or 4) means you did something good, getting a 2 might mean you did something great (but the grader didn’t notice) – or it might mean you just did something acceptable.
(a 2 really is OK, it’s not 50% – it’s “check”)
You will pass if:
- you get a 2 or better on 75% of the graded assignment
- your median score is above 2 on the graded assignments
- you are close to 1 or 2, and don’t have many zeros
- there is some other evidence that you’ve done the work and learned the stuff.
It looks like the majority of people have median scores 3 or above. If that’s you – keep up the good work. And ignore all the weird analytics canvas is trying to give you. (a 2 really is OK, it’s not 50% – it’s “check”)
After the grader has gotten a little more caught up (in a week or so), I will send email to people who are at risk of failing. But, I am expecting you know who you are because the reason you are at risk of failing is that you aren’t turning things in.