This past week, we moved rooms – and a few people found it. Remember, from now on we’ll meet in room 1325 Computer Sciences.
Coming up:
- Reading 8 was due – but you should do the extra parts (remember, each person is supposed to do 3 postings). And if you haven’t done the reading, you should. There is no new reading for this week, so now is a good time to catch up.
- Programming Puzzle 4 will be due next week (11/9 – initial posting). Post an initial solution at the beginning of the week, and work with your discussion group to improve it over the next week. The goal is for each discussion group to get 100% of the people to have good projects!
- In class on 10/10 we’ll talk about selection oriented programming and jQuery.
- Programming Puzzle 3 is history, but if you didn’t do it, you should.
I am hoping to get more grading feedback to students in the next week or two.