Last week, we had our first programming puzzle, and started to talk about objects. This week we’ll continue that.
For the week of October 19th:
- We will wrap up Programming Puzzle 1. That means improving your solutions (if you didn’t get it at first, hopefully you did with help. If you did get it at first, hopefully, your solution improved with feedback) as well as giving feedback to others.
- We will start Programming Puzzle 2. For Monday (10/19) – you should at least start. Be far enough that you can ask a question in class (on the index cards) – and maybe even post an initial solution to the discussion.
- Reading 6 talks about some places where bad design decisions in the JavaScript language can cause you problems. There’s no discussion. But you’re probably living it as you program, so this may give you some ideas as to how to mitigate the problems.
- We’re going to start counting how much people have done – expect some “grade” feedback soon. Even though the class is pass fail, you still need to turn stuff in to pass. The number of assignments being turned in is smaller than the number of students on the roster. It is better to turn things in late than never. But you need to turn things in before the grader looks.
- There is no lecture on Tuesday, October 27th. There is a lecture on October 20th.