I said this class was an experiment. And we have some initial results, which are leading me to need to make some “course corrections.”
Short version:
Don’t worry about peer review for now, and be on the lookout for a change to the class schedule (different assignments due on different dates).
First: The peer review experiment was a bit of a fiasco (with Canvas neither working as advertised and not doing what I wanted even if it wasn’t buggy). So, if you do the first peer review great, if not, don’t worry about. I need to re-think how we do this.
Second: I am realizing that I need to change the order of topics. We need to learn how to do stuff (like manipulate a web page) so we can write programs that are more interesting and we can see examples that are more realistic. So: the order of the topics and readings will change.
Third: I realize that looking at the little code examples in class (the style of the past 3 lectures) has some problems. You probably need to try out these concepts in order to really get them. And, you need to see them in context to really understand why you should care about them. So… I plan to give you some little programming things to do that will let you try out these ideas, in addition to having to write some bigger programs to try it in context.
It will take me a few days to re-configure class. And hopefully get some answers from Canvas support so we can try peer review again.