Initial posting due on Canvas on Monday October 5.
We’ve talked about how the flexibility of JavaScript allows us to do many different styles of object oriented programming. In these readings, we’ll see the mechanisms that we have, any how to use them to create different kinds of object-oriented idioms.
Required Readings:
- Chapter 6 of Eloquent JavaScript: The Secret Life of Objects
- Chapter 5 of JavaScript The Good Parts (Inheritence)
- Chapter 6 of JavaScript The Good Parts (Arrays)
In the discussion (on Canvas)…
While I encourage you to discuss anything you want, please start your initial posting by talking about your opinion of different object-oriented paradigms. If you’re like most of us, you learned a “strict classical” style. But now that you’ve seen other idioms (prototype, delegation, …) do you see any advantages or disadvantages? Are there ones that seem to be more to your liking or style? Things you want to try?
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