This is program 0 not because it’s a silly count like a computer scientist thing, but because it really is a “pre-programming assignment.” I am not even going to care much about what the program is. It’s more an excuse for you to try to do some program, kick the tires on the tools, see how the handin mechanisms work, etc.
Due: Monday, September 21st. You need to turn things in promptly for the peer review part.
Handin: Via Canvas. Canvas will also ask you to do peer reviews later.
Evaluation: Check/No Check. We will also check to see that you did peer evaluation. (but the peer evaluator feedback isn’t for grading – we’re just going to check that people do it). Your program must run in the browser.
What to turn in: All files necessary to run your program. You will have (at least) an HTML file. You might have a JavaScript file if you don’t put the code right in the HTML. If your program is running on a web development platform (JSBin, JSFiddle, CodePen, Plunkr) put a link in the “Website URL” in the Canvas handin. (however, also turn in your program files, in case the service loses things). In the handin text box, say what the program is supposed to do (a sentence or two). And what browser you expect it to run in (Firefox or Chrome).
What do do?
I want you to write a JavaScript program. I don’t care what it does. It can print hello on the console, or it can be something more interesting. I hope you choose to do something more interesting, since you’ll learn more from doing it. (if you’re a 559 student, you can turn in one of your 559 programming assignments).
The key here is that I want you to actually try out the tools to write JavaScript programs, and make sure you can use them. Figure out how to put HTML and scripts together (you need to submit something that runs in the web browser, so that means there will be HTML). Figure out what editor you like. See if you like using an online development. Make sure you know how to run the debugger (do this even if your program works the first time).
If your program can be run somewhere on the web (you’ve hosted it somewhere, or you developed it in an online IDE that makes it public), please give the link. This will make it much easier for someone to try your program out. Unfortunately, I don’t have the infrastructure set up to require people to do this – but if you do it on your own, it will make things easier (especially for the people reviewing your program).
Also, this assignment will be a chance for us to test out peer review of programs. After the assignments are handed in, Canvas will assign you a few programs to review. We will count that you do reviews (it’s another check/nocheck thing). Your feedback will go to the author of the program. For this assignment, you might not have much to say to them “You did the minimum thing” – or you might have a lot to say (if they wrote an interesting program, or one where you see something that you either learn from or can give them advice on). Your review will not affect the author’s grade, but it’s a good way for you to give them feedback (even if its just a thumbs up).
Remember: write the kind of review you’d like to receive. Be constructive – even if negative. Critique the program, not the person. Try to find a positive thing to say (even if it comes before a list of negatives).
When we get to real programming assignments, peer review will be more valuable. And I think it is a good way to learn (learn to think about someone else’s code, and also get feedback on your own). For this assignment, it’s mainly just practice.
Unfortunately, I probably won’t get a chance to look at everyone’s program – there’s just too many to look at. But, if you’re particularly proud of what you’ve done and want people (including me) to see it, we will create some mechanism to get it more exposure. (coming soon)