This is an experimental class that we decided to add at the last minute. More information will be posted to the class website soon. The syllabus is a great place to start.
This class is designed to help students who have learned to program in some other language (such as Java, C++ or Python) learn JavaScript. The focus of the class is on the aspects of JavaScript that make it different than other languages, which includes its role in the eco-system of tools used to produce web experiences. Therefore, this class will also touch briefly on other aspects of client-side web development (e.g. developing stuff to work in the web browser), and even a little bit about user experience design.
For the Fall of 2015, this class has a specific objective of helping prepare students for the programming projects in CS559 (Computer Graphics), which will use Javascript and web programming for its assignments. However, the two classes are independent: 559 students who are familiar with Javascript, or are willing to pick it up on their own, should be fine without the 638 class; other students can take 638 without worrying about the graphics material from 559.
Enrollment in the class will be via the waiting list. If you want to take the class, put yourself on the waiting list. We will give priority for class seats to students in CS559. But, given that this class is being added at the last minute and not well advertised, I don’t expect it to fill. (but, in the event that there is surprising demand, we are limited to 75 people by room size and the fact that there is no TA). (whoops – mis-estimated demand. seems a lot of people want to take this class – I’ve gotten a bigger room)
The exact timing of the waiting list process is a little uncertain. If you have a problem putting yourself on the waiting list, contact Jonathan Henkel ( We expect to process the waiting list around September 1st.
This class will only be offered pass/fail.
It will meet once a week on Tuesday afternoons from 2:30-3:20 in room 103 Psychology 168 Noland (zoology).
This class is an experiment. I will be making it up as I go along. I am not an expert on the subject (yet), so I might be learning things alongside you (or just ahead of you, or from you). If you want a properly planned course, wait for a future offering.