
Git Setup and SSH configuration

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In order to complete your assignments in CS559, you will need to install Git and configure it for SSH authentication with GitHub.

This page contains our “canonical” instructions for setting up Git with SSH. While experienced Git users are welcome to use it however they prefer, following these instructions will make it much easier for us to help you if something goes wrong.

See Git and GitHub in CS559 for more in-depth information on how to use Git and the role it plays in this class.

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Tools for 559

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Preface: For programming in this class, you will want to have good tools. Good tools make programming easier, and let you focus on the (more fun and interesting) content. You will also need to have tools to work with GIT for source control as this will be our mechanism for handing in assignments.

Some ideas on how to install the recommended tools (on Windows) are provided at Software.

Overview of Programming Tools for CS559

In CS559, you will do a substantial amount of JavaScript programming. See the Javascript in CS559 page for a discussion. We will use GitHub to distribute framework code and for students to hand in assignments (see the Git and GitHub in CS559 page).

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Git and GitHub in CS559

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In CS559 this semester, we will use GitHub as a mechanism for distributing framework code (the starter code for assignments) as well as to have students hand in their assignments.

If you’ve never used Git, some of this might not make sense yet, since we are using Git terminology. See Learning Git and GitHub below for help in getting started.

Learning enough about Git is a requirement for the class. Technically, knowing the basics of Git is a pre-requisite (since it is covered in CS400). However, we will help you learn.

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