

in Pages
  1. There will be 2 exams, given online. One will be given in the evening of Thursday, March 6. The other one will be given in the official University Final Examination time slot.
  2. Each exam will be administered using Canvas Quizzing.
  3. Each exam will consist of 3 short segments. You must complete all 3 segments within the exam time window.
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Consulting Hours

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The Course Staff will hold “consulting hours” at the times listed below. We will provide a mixture of in-person and online consulting for students.

The weekly consulting hours schedule:

  • Tuesdays 4:00 - 6:00 pm (CS 4331)
  • Thursdays 4:00 - 6:00 pm (CS 4331)
  • Fridays 4:00 - 6:00 pm (CS 4331)

Please use Consulting Hours Form to help us keep track of student queues and frequently asked questions.

We reserved Room 4331 Computer Sciences - 4th floor, near the elevators where at least one member of the course staff (usually 3) is available to answer questions. In person consulting is much better than online. Both because it is easier for course staff to provide help, but also because of the collaboration between students and for staff to help multiple students at once. So we recommend using the in-person consulting hours.

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  • If you want a concise description of how the course works, see the Course Overview.
  • If you are looking for a schedule of the class or an outline of the topics covered in class, see the Calendar.
  • If you are looking for a list of the learning goals, see Learning Goals. This has more detail than the official syllabus.
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The galleries contain a few cool examples randomly selected from student assignments who submitted to the gallery before the due dates and obtained 20 points for the submission. The following list also contains the links to the Galleries in the past few years.

Workbook 1: N/A

Workbook 2: 2020 , 2021 , 2022 , 2023 , 2024, 2025

Workbook 3: 2020 , 2021 , 2022 , 2023 , 2024

Workbook 4: 2020 , 2021 , 2022 , 2023 , 2024

Workbook 5: 2020 , 2021 , 2022 , 2024

Project 1: 2020 , 2021 , 2022 , 2023 , 2024

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Zoom for CS559

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We will use Zoom for this class: both to record in-person lectures as well as for online meetings with course staff.

Access to the Zoom meetings can be found through Canvas. There will be meetings for each lecture, as well as a recurring meeting for staff consulting hours.

For Lectures

  1. Students will keep their cameras and microphones off, unless we specifically ask you to turn it on (for example if we want you to speak to the class to expand upon a question).

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