CS559 is being taught in person for Spring 2025.
Synchronous Lectures: The in-person lectures will be recorded. In the event that there is some failure and the video is not recorded, students are still responsible for the material. There may be delays between the lecture and when it appears on Canvas for viewing. Participation in lectures (attendance and other participation) will be tracked on TopHat.
Lecture Materials (Notes)
The notes used for the lecture presentations will be made available on Lecture Materials: Videos and Slides.
Generally, there will be a version before the lecture (useful if you want to take notes), and a updated version after the lectures.
The notes are designed to be used during the lectures. The notes are not meant to stand alone. The notes may have no meaning if you don’t participate in the lectures.
Do not expect the notes to serve as a replacement for lecture.
We use TopHat for in-class quizzes. To join the class, please use the TopHat link from Canvas the first time. If you have any issue with joining the class, please contact DoIT Help Desk and TopHat Support Center.
There will be an average of 2 to 4 in-class quiz questions during each lecture and they could appear any time during the lecture. The question will be displayed on the lecture notes, and you will submit the answer to the question on TopHat. If you submit answers that are relevant (including answers that are incorrect, but not answers that are completely unrelated to the question, for example, if you answered “E” for a multiple choice with choices “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”) for strictly more than half of the questions, you will get the point for the lecture.
Lecture Video Availability
Video lectures will be made available on Canvas under Zoom, Cloud Recordings. There may be a delay before they are posted. Do not count on videos to be available on any particular time table. The recordings will be available for only 90 days.