Lecture Materials: Videos and Slides
This page provides links to the lecture notes.
Lecture Recordings
The lecture recordings on Zoom can be found on Canvas -> Zoom -> Clouding Recordings, and they will be available for 90 days after the lecture.
Lecture notes
Week 1: Notes
Week 2: Notes
Week 3: Notes
Week 4: Notes
Week 5: Notes
Week 6: Notes
Week 7: Notes
Week 8: Notes
Week 9: Notes
Week 10: Notes
Week 11: Notes
Week 12: Notes
Week 13: Notes
Week 14: Notes
Lecture demos can be found Lecture Demos
Remember: the notes are intentionally not meant to stand alone! They are designed as a prop for supporting the lecture.
You can look at the version of this page from prior years taught by Professor Michael Gleicher 2023 Course Outline with Video Links, 2022 Course Outline with Video Links, 2021 Course Outline with Video Links to see a different version of (pretty much) the same material, or to get a sense of coming attractions. The lectures this year will be more interactive, Professor Gleicher’s lectures are more organized and introduces the topics more systematically.