Lecture Demos
This page provides links to the lecture demos.
Lecture Demos
Week 1:
- the 3D Train: train
- Rasterization: raster
- Blank canvas: canvas
- Draw ellipse: ellipse
- Polygon fill rule pentagram: pentagram
- Polygon fill rule two triangles: triangles
Week 2:
- Animation bouncing ball: bounce
- Animation as a function of time: animate_time
- Animation as a function of state: animate_position
- Animation as a function of mouse event: animate_event
- Animation with rotation: animate_transform
- Order of transformation: transform_list
- Scaling around a center: transform_order
- Animation as a function of slider event: animate_slider
- Robotic arm hierarchy: arm
- Dancing stick figure hierarchy: figure
Week 3:
- Two robotic arms hierarchy: arm_six
- Two trees hierarchy: tree_six
- Robotic arm SVG: arm_svg
- General transformation matrix: matrix
- Homogeneous coordinate system: homogeneous
- Affine transformation matrix: transform_matrix
Week 4:
- Parameterization: parameterization
- Circle parameterization: parameterization_circle
- Polynomial curve Parameterization: parameterization_curve
- Angle along polynomial curves: angle_parametric
- Angle along quadratic curves: angle_quadratic
- Angle along cubic curves: angle_cubic
- Circle subdivision curve: division
- De Casteljau construction: construction
- Find control points given tangent: curve_tangent
- Continuous quadratic curves: bezier_quadratic
- Continuous cubic curves: bezier_cubic
Week 5:
- Connect two Bezier curves: curve_tangent_too
- Cardinal Catmull-Rom spline: cardinal
- Chaikin’s corner cutting algorithm: cut_corner
- Arc-length parameterization: arc_length
Week 6:
- Hello cube THREE.js: hello_cube
- THREE.js lights: light
- THREE.js materials: material
- THREE.js cameras: camera
- THREE.js animation as a function of state: action_state
- THREE.js animation as a function of time: action_transform
Week 7:
- THREE.js hierarchy: hierarchy
Week 8:
Week 9:
- Extrude geometry: extrude
- Lathe geometry: lathe
- Tube geometry: tube
- Morph target: morph
- Spot the cow morphing: morph_cow
- Normal map texture: texture_normal
- Bump map texture: texture_bump
- Barycentric coordinate system: barycentric
Week 10:
- Painter’s algorithm and Z-Buffer: painter
- Basic shader: shader
- Shader uniform attribute varying variables: shader_variable
- Shader textures: shader_texture
Week 11:
- Shader Phong lighting model: shader_light
- Shader stripes: shader_proc
- Triangle rasterization: raster_triangle
- Aliasing sin function: aliasing
- Shader stripes with blur: shader_blur
- Aliasing derivative: aliasing_derivative
Week 12:
- Shader noise: shader_noise
- Shader wood: shader_wood
- Perlin noise 2D: noise
- Ray tracing diagram (not demo): ray
- Particle effects: particle
- Key frame animation: key_frame
- Key frame animation for skinned mesh: key_frame_skin
Professor Gleicher’s demos: Link.