Workbook 8 Gallery
Here are a few cool examples from student assignments for Workbook 8.
Note: we cannot post all cool assignments! What we post is a random selection of good assignments - not necessarily the best.
Box 08-06-01 - House
Student: Keg Avakian (For the gallery submissions, I tried my best to give the buildings and the car as much detail as possible. The car has windows, wheels, hubcaps, and headlights. The buildings I made have the roofs overhanding them, with planes underneath to simulate a shadow. The windows and doors also have a 3D texture to them, adding texture and depth to the buildings. The doors have a frame, a window with glass texture, a wood texture, and a handle to them. Finally, the water tower in the buildings world is based off of a real life water tower in my hometown, which took a while to get the scale right, but I am happy with how it turned out)
Student: Justin Feng (here is my stuffs, also, there are in fact three different roofs and types of buildings, look closely.)
Student: Johanes Dharmawan Wihardjo (All Buildings in the buildings assignment are made through buffer geometry and made vertices by vertices. Except the tree, which is primitives combined.)
Box 08-07-01 - Car
Student: Raymond Zhao (A truck? Car? It could be perceived as either. I'm thinking of refining it to a car later.)