Project 1 Gallery
Here are a few cool examples from student assignments for Project 1.
Note: we cannot post all cool assignments! What we post is a random selection of good assignments - not necessarily the best.
Box tr-01-01 - the Train
Student: Leah Blasczyk (My train: Add/subtract cars using the Cars slider; Change tension with the Tension slider; Adjust the points of the track using the draggablePoints; See just ties (not complex or simple), 'simple-track' with just a line, or 'complex-track' as shown in the recording! (not perfect unfortunately))
Student: Donghwan Kim (The green train is equally distanced (arc lenth paramerterization) throughout the track regardless of which track is chosen. The red train is distanced from the orange train by equal number of segments (not arc length parameterization) throughout the track regardless of which track is chosen.)