Course Overview
Here is a brief overview of what the class is and how it works. You may also want to see the Getting Started page.
Read more…Here is a brief overview of what the class is and how it works. You may also want to see the Getting Started page.
Read more…Because this class is online, you will need to provide your own equipment for class. The requirements aren’t much different than any other class. You’ll need a capable computer, a decent internet connection, a camera, and the ability to do audio and video for communications.
Read more…We recommend using Visual Studio Code (VSCode) for doing the programming assignments in CS559.
You will need to use some text editor for editing JavaScript programs and web pages (e.g., html and css files).
It is worth investing your time in learning to use good tools (like VSCode).
Read more…Workbooks are the main assignments for class and the required reading. Understanding them is realy important.
Read more…In an online class, communication is important. For this class, there are multuiple mechanisms (Canvas, Piazza, Web, Zoom, Email). Student should understand how the class uses all of these mechanisms.
This class is meant to teach you about Computer Graphics. Computer Graphics is the study of how we make pictures with computers. The focus of the class is teaching you the key ideas of computer graphics.
The class will also teach you about how to do interactive graphics programming. We will use web technologies for this. On one hand, doing interactive web programming is a means to an end: you need to program graphics in order to really learn it. But, learning to build interactive applications for the web is a useful skill in its own right.
Read more…In CS559 this semester, we will use GitHub as a mechanism for distributing framework code (the starter code for assignments) as well as to have students hand in their assignments.
If you’ve never used Git, some of this might not make sense yet, since we are using Git terminology. See Learning Git and GitHub below for help in getting started.
Learning enough about Git is a requirement for the class. Technically, knowing the basics of Git is a pre-requisite (since it is covered in CS400). However, we will help you learn.
Read more…It will be really worth your time to set you computer up for class. The tools you need are discussed at Tools for 559.
Here are some steps that I used to set up a Windows laptop for working on class projects. This can give you a sense of how to get the things on the Tools for 559 page setup on your machine. It will probably be different for you. If you have a Mac or are running Linux, I can’t provide as much help (but other Course Staff can).
Read more…The course staff will hold “consulting hours” at the times listed below. We will provide a mixture of in-person and online consulting for students.
Read more…A Syllabus may mean different things to different people.
To the University, it is an official document that explains how the class meets some official rules. Officially, that is on AEFIS (since officially, that’s where syllabi are). What you are probably looking for (what I thought a syllabus is):
We will use Zoom for this class: both to present the synchronous lectures as well as for online meetings with course staff.
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