

in Pages

You are not required to purchase books for this class.

All required readings will be provided online. Some of the readings are provided under academic fair use, and are only for students in the class. For this reason, they will be provided via the course Canvas page.

In the past, we used readings more extensively.

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Lecture Materials: Videos and Slides

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This page provides links to the videos and slides from the lectures.

It provides a detailed outline of the course content. You can click the timestamp to watch a specific topic.

You can look at the version of this page from prior years (2022 Outline) (2021 Outline) to see a different version of (pretty much) the same material, or to get a sense of coming attractions. Last year’s topics were very similar to what we are doing this year.

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  1. Students are responsible for the material in lectures.
  2. Some lectures will be given “live” (synchronously), while other material will be given asynchronously (pre-recorded videos).
  3. We intend to record the synchronous lectures, but you are responsible for the material even if there is a failure.
  4. The slides are designed to be used as part of the lecture presentation - they may not make sense without watching the lecture. In particular, a lot of the slide content will be drawn during the lecture.
  5. We will monitor participation in lectures, it can affect your grade in boundary cases. (participating requires attending a synchronous lecture)

Lecture recordings and slides can be found at Lecture Materials: Videos and Slides

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Git Setup and SSH configuration

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In order to complete your assignments in CS559, you will need to install Git and configure it for SSH authentication with GitHub.

This page contains our “canonical” instructions for setting up Git with SSH. While experienced Git users are welcome to use it however they prefer, following these instructions will make it much easier for us to help you if something goes wrong.

See Git and GitHub in CS559 for more in-depth information on how to use Git and the role it plays in this class.

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Academic Conduct and Collaboration

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In this class you are expected to uphold standards of professional conduct and academic integrity. The University policies on academic misconduct apply to this class.

Proper academic conduct means being honest about your work and being respectful in your communications with staff and other students. It means not presenting the work of others as your own. It means not collaborating on parts of class we ask you not to collaborate on.

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  1. Grading is based on the 10 workbooks (64%), the final “project” (12%), and the exams (24%).
  2. We will consider quizzes/surveys and various forms of participation to adjust your grade.
  3. Do not expect Canvas to compute your grade.
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Course Pre-Requisites (should you be here?)

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Pre-Requisites: what you need to know before taking this class.

Officially the prerequisites are:

(MATH 222 or MATH 276) and (COMP SCI 367 or 400) or graduate/professional standing or declared in the Capstone Certificate in Computer Sciences for Professionals

The Programming requirements

We require CS400. Not necessarily because we want all the specific things they teach you in the class, but rather, we expect you to be a mature enough programmer that you can write non-trivial programs. You should be comfortable enough with programming that learning a new language or picking up a new development environment isn’t such a big deal.

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Javascript in CS559

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Programming assignments in CS559 will use the Javascript programming language. We will help you learn Javascript, if you aren’t already familiar with it.

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in Pages

I prefer to let Canvas provide the course calendar, since it can keep things up to date.

You can look at the Canvas Calendar and Canvas Summary (calendar list). A warning, these don’t seem to show the Zoom events (look at the Canvas Zoom List for that).

The Weekly Rhythm

  • On Tuesday: during the class period (9:30-10:45) we will have a synchronous lecture that introduces the week’s topic. See Lectures.
  • On Tuesday: we will release the week’s workbook. The workbook has readings and programming assignments. See Workbooks. The schedule is changed a bit around exam weeks, and the schedule is off a little bit for break and the final project.
  • On two of the Wednesdays (March 8, April 26) we will have exams. See Exams.
  • On Thursday: during the class period (9:30-10:45) we will have a synchronous lecture. See Lectures.
  • On Friday: there will be a survey (quiz) that you can take any time during the day. See Policies (surveys).
  • On Monday: the workbook is due. See Workbooks.

The Weeks / Topics

Tuesday’s date is given

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