Graphics Town Pages

This is a list of pages related to the graphics town assignment (Workbook Final). Unlike other workbooks, a lot of the documentation is on the web. You probably want to start with Graphics Town Instructions (Start Here).

Beware: while there are links to previous year’s assignments, this year’s is different. Make sure you are reading the correct pages!

Graphics Town Instructions (Start Here)

in Graphics Town Pages

Graphics Town 2023: Instructions Rubric Hints Checklist Advanced

Update 5/1/23: The deadline has been postponed until Friday, May 5th. This deadline is strict.

Unlike most workbooks, the instructions are here on the web. This allows us to update them - please check back for updates (we will generally announce updates on Canvas).

Your actual work goes into the workbook. Be sure to clone the workbook from github classroom (the link is on Canvas, not on the open web).

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Graphics Town Rubric 2023

in Graphics Town Pages

Graphics Town 2023: Instructions Rubric Hints Checklist Advanced

Summary: do enough cool stuff and document it, and you’ll get a good grade.

The hard part is quantifying “enough” and “cool”. We might say “you’ll know it when you see it.” But instead, we have to try to write something…

This page may be updated with clarifications and additional examples.

The grading aspects of this assignment are what gets complicated. The assignment itself isn’t that complicated. Make a cool “town”, and you’ll get a good grade. We might just give you an A because we think what you did is particularly cool.

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Graphics Town Advanced Things 2023

in Graphics Town Pages

Graphics Town 2023: Instructions Rubric Hints Checklist Advanced

This is a list of “advanced things” that you may want to include in your town. See the Graphics Town Rubric 2023 (Advanced Things) for explanations.

These are suggestions - if there is something that you want to try, it might fall into the “none of the things below” category (#1), but if you’d like to check, please ask on Piazza. If you have a good idea, we may add it to the list!

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Graphics Town Checklist 2023

in Graphics Town Pages

Graphics Town 2023: Instructions Rubric Hints Checklist Advanced

This is a terse list of the “requirements” for graphics town. Generally, you need to do all of these things to get a good grade. It may be possible to excel at one thing and do less well at another. See the Graphics Town Rubric 2023 for details.

  • Program runs without fixes
  • Program runs at a reasonable rate
  • User interface still works
  • things stop when the run button is unchecked
  • Appropriate number of things on the highlight list
  • The program is visually disinct from the example
  • No ??? in any text box
  • Snapshot on the textbox page
  • More than 10 objects in the world
  • At least 2 kinds of objects created for this assignment
  • At least 5 other kinds of objects you created
  • One object from each category (“buildings”, “natural elements”, “vehicles”)
  • At least one object loaded from a model file (e.g. an OBJ or FBX file)
  • At least one shader that you wrote
  • At least 5 objects moving
  • At least 3 different behaviors
  • At least one object is rideable/followable
  • At least one behavior is “not simple”
  • At least one animated articulated object
  • Some coherent theme
  • At least one advanced thing

Graphics Town 2023: Instructions Rubric Hints Checklist Advanced

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Graphics Town Hints 2023

in Graphics Town Pages

Graphics Town 2023: Instructions Rubric Hints Checklist Advanced

GraphicsTown UI Basics

You have been using the Graphics Town framework for the prior workbooks. The changes made for this workbook are small, and are specific to Graphics Town.

The documentation for the framework is Framework Documentation, but as always, the code is the main documentation.

The main difference for Graphics Town is that we are going to use some features that make it possible for a user to appreciate a town built in it. You should make sure that these features work in your program. They should work if you use the framework correctly. We provide a control panel (WorldUI). Please do not remove the WorldUI - you can add things to it, but please do not remove any of the functions.

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