Workbook 08 Gallery
Here are a few cool examples from student assignments for Workbook 8.
Note: we cannot post all cool assignments! What we post is a selection of good assignments - not necessarily the best.
Box 08-06-01 Buildings
Student: JACK BLAKE (JackBlake-zkq)
Student: XAVER DAVEY (xaverdavey)
Student: Rainy JIN (RainyJin)
Student: Manisha Pillai (mvpillai-a)
Student: Anoymous (Anoymous)
Box 08-07-01 Cars
Student: JACK BLAKE (JackBlake-zkq)
Student: Rainy JIN (RainyJin)
Student: PETER NICKOLAUS (pnickolaus18)
Student: Manisha Pillai (mvpillai-a)
Student: Anoymous (Anoymous)