Workbook 7 Gallery
Here are a few cool examples from student assignments for Workbook 7.
Note: we cannot post all cool assignments! What we post is a selection of good assignments - not necessarily the best.
Box 07-06-01 Radar
Student: XINRAN LI (AokiUmi)
Student: Annoymous (Annoymous)
Student: KYLE OWENS (KyleOwens4)
Student: Matthew Moran (mattjmoran )
Student: YUCHEN WANG (idaydogday843 )
Box 07-08-01 Amusement Park
Student: zelongjiang123 (ZELONG JIANG)
Student: Shrinfinity (SHRIPAD KHER)
Box 07-09-01 Construction Site
Student: Annoymous (Annoymous)
Student: ANJALI MATHUR (AnjMathur)
Student: mattjmoran (Matthew Moran)
Student: ThomasGF8 (Thomas Yang)