
Exam2 Study Guide

in Posts

Exam 2 will cover the class topics from the second 6 weeks of class, beginning with 3D up through Shaders and the interactive rendering things discussed on April 22nd.

This is a rough outline - no promises that it includes everything (any ommission of a topic is not intentional).

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Exam 1 Study Guide

in Posts

Exam 1 will cover the class topics from the first 6 weeks of class, up to and including Curves (but not 3D).

The exam covers the topics in the first 11 lectures, the first 6 workbooks (including the Train workbook), and the readings required by the workbooks. The bonus videos are also fair game, but I will not ask questions about GIT on the Exam. (Closures, almost certainly, and the Curves review video is a review of things in the other resources).

This is a rough outline - no promises that it includes everything (any ommission of a topic is not intentional).

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Exams (policy)

in Policies
  1. There will be 3 exams, given online. Two will be given on Wednesday evenings during the semester, one will be given in the official University Final Examination time slot.
  2. Each exam will be administered using Canvas Quizzing.
  3. Each exam will consist of 3 short segments. You must complete all 3 segments within the exam time window.
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