Final Study Guide
The final exam is cumulative. It will cover topics from the entire course, including the last two weeks.
This is a rough outline - no promises that it includes everything (any ommission of a topic is not intentional).
For an outline of the first 12 weeks of class, see Exam 1 Study Guide and Exam2 Study Guide.
A more compact outline can be seen in the video outlines (which organizes things by lecture): Lecture Materials: Videos and Slides. This doesn’t include the workbooks or readings, but most important concepts were discussed in some video.
- Animation by deformation/transformation
- motivations
- methods
- skinning / matrix palettes
- shape interpolation (morphing)
- non-linear deformations
- grid deformers
- cages
- 3D Shape Concepts
- surfaces vs. solids
- curves in 3D
- Strategies for Surface models
- Generalized Primitives for Surface Models
- surfaces of revolution
- generalized cylinders
- sweeps (the general case of generalized cylinders)
- lofting
- Free Form Surfaces Basics
- basic approaches
- parametric
- implicit
- procedural / subdivision
- basic approaches
- Implicit Surfaces
- basic idea
- blob models (pros and cons)
- Parametric Surfaces
- basic idea
- why are they so complicated
- things we want to do with surface patches (but are hard to do with parametric surfaces)
- Subdivision Surfaces
- motivations
- intuitions/definitions (limit curve)
- 2D Examples (interpolating and non-interpolating)
- triangle schemes
- how to divide triangles
- ordinary vs. extra-ordinary vertices
- butterfly / modified butterfly
- Loop scheme
- Catmull-Clark
- dividing quads
- motivations
- Rasterization concepts
- Pixel sampling models
- Rasterizing Lines
- Triangle rasterization
- definitions of coverage and its implications
- potential for aliasing and artifacts
- scanline
- barycentric checks
- Aliasing
- basic concept
- ways it appears in practice
- texture downsampling
- jaggies, crawlies
- filtering intuitions
- anti-aliasing approaches
- Rendering
- lighting phenomena in the real world
- light-centric vs. object centric
- ray/path vs. global methods
- ray bounce mechanics and statistical models
- Forward and Backwards ray tracing
- Stochastic ray tracing
- Recursive Ray Tracing
- Specular and Diffuse rays
- importance sampling
- Ray Casting performance
- Issues with sampling
- Distribution ray tracing
- uses of distribution