Javascript Usage
- Your programs need to run in Chrome or Firefox. This means you can use features in JavaScript ES6 (2015) and even newer versions of javascript.
- You must write JavaScript and CSS and HTML yourself directly. You may not use a transpiler.
- You should only use the libraries that we give you.
- You must give proper attribution to any code that you don’t write yourself. This includes copying lines of code (or even retyping lines of code) from web forums.
Basic rule: you should start with what we give you, and type everything yourself. What you give us must run in the web browser we use for testing. If you didn’t type it, you shouldn’t turn it in.
Ironically, these rules are more targeted at JavaScript experts who might want to use things we cannot support in class. If you’re a JavaScript novice and these rules don’t make sense, don’t worry - we’re basically asking you not to do fancy stuff. The Javascript in CS559 page will explain.
Your program must run as handed in (no compilation steps). You may not use a transpiler (e.g., Babel, Typescript) to create the files that you hand in for use.
You may not add any new libraries that you did not write. You must use the library files that we provide. You should not change the libraries that we provide unless instructed to do so.
You may use whatever features of JavaScript work in the web browser that the grader will use for testing (Google Chrome). If your program only works with Firefox, you can specify that when you turn the assignment in (but please, try to avoid browser-specific things).
See the Javascript in CS559 page for more details.
These same rules apply to HTML and CSS (e.g., you need to write all the HTML and CSS “by hand” - rather than using a pre-processor for a higher level language like SASS or LESS).