Getting Help
The course staff is available to provide help!
Getting Help Online
You can get help online using Piazza. You can ask a question publicly - which is highly recommended as others with a similar question can benefit (see Communications (Using Piazza for Class)).
For most administrative questions, the answer is probably online. Notice that there is a search box on the top of the course web pages (look at the top right of this page).
Consulting Hours
The course staff will hold “consulting hours” at the times listed below. Because of the remote modality, these aren’t really “walk-in” - they are held using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra (BBCU).
The idea of consulting hours is that it is a “room” where at least one member of the course staff (usually 2) is available to ask questions. Multiple students can come to the room - which gives a chance for students to talk to each other, although this doesn’t work as well online (we’ll try). If a staff member needs to work with a student individually, they can move to a breakout room.
Even though consulting hours are “walk in”, please use the Sign Up for Assistance form. This lets us handle requests in order, lets us group related questions together, and helps us be better prepared to answer your question. If you can’t fill the form out ahead of time, that’s OK - fill it out when you “arrive”.
The weekly consulting hours schedule:
- Sunday 3pm-6pm
- Monday 3pm-6pm
- Tuesday 4pm-6pm
- Wednesday 4pm-6pm (only the days before exams)
- Thursday 4pm-6pm
- Friday 3pm-5pm
Individual Appointments
If you cannot come to consulting hours, you can schedule a meeting with course staff. Use the 1-on-1 Appointment Scheduling Form. You may request a specific member of the course staff, or anyone available.
Professor Gleicher holds office hours, Wednesday 1pm-2pm and by appointment. Office hours are held using Zoom. Details will be available in Canvas.
Note: please try to use consulting hours. If you need one-on-one help, we can use a breakout room. The course staff has limited availability outside of consulting hours, and we may not be able to provide you with an immediate appointment. If you request an individual appointment, it might take some time for us to get back to you.
Technology Help
Below are a variety of technology support resources available to you. (provided by L&S)
- DoIT Help Desk: The Help Desk provides free tech support and troubleshooting help with your computing needs by phone (608.264.4357), email (, chat ( or in-person at 1210 W. Dayton Street.
- Download WiscVPN: A VPN is a “virtual private network”. WiscVPN allows you to access University resources without being on campus, and provides an extra layer of security. See how to connect to the WiscVPN.
- Learning Online with Technology: Tips from UW-Madison on learning online this semester.
- Tips for Virtual Learning: A collection of resources and concrete strategies to set yourself up for success.
- UW KnowledgeBase:earch here for help documents for university-supported software, tools, and processes.
Student Wellness Support
Below are a variety of support resources available across the UW - Madison campus. (list provided by L&S)
- Center for Leadership and Involvement
- Dean of Students Office: Crisis Loans
- Dean of Students Office: Report an Incident
- Office of Student Financial Aid
- The Open Seat - UW Student Food Pantry
- Student Jobs
- University Health Services: Medical Services
- University Health Services: Mental Health
- University Recreation and Wellbeing