
Exam Grades

The scores for the final exam will be posted soon. We are not able to get the exams back to you. There are some challenges with how Canvas works. A lot of the grading had to be done manually. Everything has been triple checked. However, we cannot give you the details of your answers. The number posted to Canvas is “adjusted”. The exam was challenging, so everyone was given some points to make the distributions work out. Read more…

Exam Technical Issues (update 5-06)

Updates on Wednesday morning (this will be posted on the course web and Canvas) Some last minute updates: All students who didn’t take the exam Tuesday will be in Section “A” (code A). Look for quizzes titled “Final Exam: Quiz 1-A (1st Quiz for students with code A)” (2 or for the second one). You will not need an access code. Instructors in other courses have reported issues with using Safari. Read more…

Instructions for the Final Exam

The exam is scheduled for 2:45pm - 4:45pm, Wednesday May 6th. Students may take the exam within this time slot. We will allow students to take the exam in a window from 1pm-6pm. These times are for Madison (CDT, UTC-5). The exam will be administered using Canvas quizzing. You will need a reliable internet connection for the time period of the exam. If you need some form of accomodation (see below), please send email to the Professor by Friday, May 1st. Read more…

Final Exam Plan

Short Version: The exam will be semi-synchronous (you can take it within a window), administered by Canvas Quizzing, focused on the last half of class (non-cumulative). If you need some accommodation (McBurney, you live more than 6 times zones away from Madison, you don’t have a good internet connection, …) contact the Professor by email. The Rules (So Far): More details will come soon. Some details are still being worked out. Read more…

Final Guide

The CS559 Final exam will be given on May 6th in an online format. Details will be announced closer to the date. Exam Description The questions will be of varying forms. There will be some multiple choice questions, but also some short answer questions. There are no example exams available. The quizzes are designed to help you know the topics we will ask. Workbook content is also important. You are responsible for everything we discussed in lecture, everything covered in the workbooks, and the readings that the workbooks require. Read more…

Class Endgame: The last 2 weeks

Short version: Expect exam details soon. Short version: it will be a semi-synchronous online exam given using Canvas quizzing. Expect WB12 to be announced soon. It will be due the last day of classes (Friday, May 1), although there will be a “check-in” deadline on Sunday, April 26th. The last 2 quizzes will be “graded surveys” - you get 100% just for participating. We will “cancel lectures” so that students have more time to work on the last workbook. Read more…

Midterm Guide

The CS559 Midterm Exam will be at 7:30pm on Wednesday, March 11th. The Midterm Exam Will be in Rooms: Noland 132 (Students with last names beginning A-N) Chamberlin 2241 (Students with last names beginning O-Z) McBurney accomodated testing will be handled by the Testing and Evaluation Center. Send email to the professor to request the code to give them. (yes, this is a case where you need to send email to the Professor). Read more…