
Class Endgame: The last 2 weeks

Short version: Expect exam details soon. Short version: it will be a semi-synchronous online exam given using Canvas quizzing. Expect WB12 to be announced soon. It will be due the last day of classes (Friday, May 1), although there will be a “check-in” deadline on Sunday, April 26th. The last 2 quizzes will be “graded surveys” - you get 100% just for participating. We will “cancel lectures” so that students have more time to work on the last workbook. Read more…

Week 12 Lectures (23 and 24)

The Lectures for Week 12 are available on Kaltura. (note: the first parts are available immediately, the later parts will be available soon) Part 0 - Orientation and Overview - (6 Minutes) (slides) Part 1 - Pipeline and Programmability - (26 Minutes) (slides) Part 2 - Shading Languages and GLSL - (27 Minutes) (slides) Part 3 - Mechanics of Linking Languages - (27 Minutes) (slides) Part 4A - Tips and Techniques: Lighting - (29 Minutes) (slides) Part 4B - Tips and Techniques: Image-Based Textures - (10 Minutes) (slides) Part 4C - Tips and Techniques: Idioms and Aliasing - (20 minutes) (slides) Part 4d - Tips and Techniques: Noise - (15 Minutes) (slides) You can get the slides for all parts. Read more…

Week 11 Lectures (21 and 22)

The Lectures for Week 11 are available on Kaltura. Rather than 2 75 minute lectures, I broke things into 5 parts, one of which was long enough that I further broke it into 2 parts (so there’s 5A and 5B). They are still probably too long for video lectures - you probably want to pause every 10 minutes or so. Part 1 - Review and Overview - (24 minutes) (slides) Part 2 - Rasterization - (19 minutes) (slides) Part 3 - Aliasing and Anti-Aliasing - (19 minutes) (slides) Part 4 - Visibility - (29 minutes) (slides) Part 5a - The Graphics Pipeline: Overview and History - (21 mins) (slides) Part 5b - The Graphics Pipeline: A Triangle’s Journey - (29 mins) (slides) You can get the slides for all 6 parts in one big PDF file. Read more…

Late Workbook Policy

As you know, the class policy on handing in workbooks is pretty strict: we can only grade the work that you turn in by the deadline. (where “turn in” includes pushing to GitHub, and “deadline” really means a time shortly after the deadline when we clone all of the repositories). Unfortunately, the strict policy is required for practical reasons: we need to organize a team of graders to grade the assignments. Read more…

Lecture19-20: More Texture

For this weeks lectures (which would have been in class lectures 19 and 20), I broke the content into 5 pieces based on topic (rather than arbitrary lengths). This is the same material that would have been covered in 2 lectures. This material will be used in upcoming workbooks (Workbook 10-12), although you might find it useful for Workbook 8. Lecture 19/20 - Part 1 - Basic Texturing Review - 16 minutes (slides after) Lecture 19/20 - Part 2 - Fake Normals and Bump Mapping - 23 minutes (slides after) Lecture 19/20 - Part 3 - Other Texture Tricks - 22 minutes (slides after) Lecture 19/20 - Part 4 - Sky Boxes and Environment Maps - 23 minutes (slides after) Lecture 19/20 - Part 5 - Shadow Maps - 15 minutes (slides after) You can have the before or after slides to look at. Read more…

Lecture 18: Texture

The second video lecture has been posted! This is lecture 18, which would have occurred on March 25th if everything were normal. Which, of course, it isn’t. I am still getting the hang of making videos. I am hoping they will get better with practice. The segments are still a little longer than I would have hoped. The topic is texturing, which will be Workbook 9. The JavaScript Tip of the Day is useful for Workbook 8, and the review will give you a concise summary of the last lecture (useful for the Quiz). Read more…

Lecture 17: (nominally March 23) Meshes and Lighting

The first video lecture has been posted! This is lecture 17, which would have occurred on March 23rd if things were going by their normal schedule. This is my first attempt to make a video like this. They will get better as I get more practice. The sunset problem (you’ll see) is an unexpected fail - and is funny in hindsight (I didn’t realize it was happened until I watched the video afterwards). Read more…