Instructions for the Final Exam
The exam is scheduled for 2:45pm - 4:45pm, Wednesday May 6th. Students may take the exam within this time slot. We will allow students to take the exam in a window from 1pm-6pm. These times are for Madison (CDT, UTC-5).
The exam will be administered using Canvas quizzing. You will need a reliable internet connection for the time period of the exam.
If you need some form of accomodation (see below), please send email to the Professor by Friday, May 1st.
See the Final Guide for details on the content of the exam.
Note: We will not answer questions once the exam begins. If you have any questions, please ask them before the exam. (the exam actually begins on Tuesday, as some students are being allowed to take it at an alternate time).
How the exam will work
The exam will be administered using Canvas quizzing. Some of the weird things are to work around the limitations in how Canvas Quizzes work.
The exam will consist of 4 Canvas quizzes. You must take all quizzes in sequence (Quiz 1 first, then Quiz 2, then Quiz 3, then Quiz 4). Once you submit a quiz, you cannot go back to it or change your answers.
You must complete all Quizzes within the exam window. You must complete the 4th Quiz before the end of the exam window.
Each Quiz is designed to take between 10-15 minutes. However, you will have 25 minutes to take each one Quiz. Canvas will not allow you to enter your answers after 25 minutes.
Once you begin a Quiz, you will have 25 minutes to complete it. You may take breaks between Quizzes, or take them all back-to-back.
Each student will be assigned to an “Exam Section” - denoted by a letter (e.g., A, B, C). You will receive an instruction by email as to which section you are in a few hours before the exam begins. That email will also provide an “access code” that you will need to access the exams.
You will choose the Quizzes on Canvas corresponding with your section. (e.g., if you are assigned to section E, you will take Quiz Exam 1-E, Quiz Exam 2-E, etc.). To prevent you from taking the wrong Quiz, you will need to provide the access code given in the email.
You may take the quizzes any time during the exam window. You can start early or late. You can take breaks in between quizzes, or take them in rapid succession. However, you must complete the last one before the end of the exam window. Be sure to start the last one with sufficient time to finish it.
You must not communicate with any student in class during the exam window. You must not communicate with anyone about the exam or the exam topics (anything computer graphics related) during the exam window.
In Case of Problems Before The Exam
If you know of some reason that you will not be able to take the exam in the Exam window, please contact the Professor as soon as possible. (see Exam Accommodations below). If there is a last minute urgency, send email as soon as possible.
If you do not receive the email giving your section and access code 1 hour before the exam, please send email to the Professor. Note: the email will probably be sent by a TA, so please check before claiming you didn’t receive it.
In Case of Problems During The Exam
If you have a technical issue during the exam, try to complete the quiz you are taking as best you can. You may want to take a screen shot of the problem.
After completing the current Quiz, send a private message to the course staff on Piazza explaining the problem. If you have an internet failure that precludes accessing Piazza, you can send email to the Professor. If you can’t even send email, send a message as soon as your internet access is restored.
Please alert us to technical problems as promptly as possible.
We will not answer content questions during the exam. If you feel a question has an error or is ambiguous, take your best guess at what the question means. Remember, the questions ask for the “most correct” answer (in cases where you feel no answer is exactly correct).
Please check Piazza for announcements before beginning each Quiz.
Canvas may allow you to take the quizzes in the wrong order. In the event you start taking the wrong quiz, complete the one you have started. Then complete the remaining quizzes in the correct order. The access codes should prevent you from taking the wrong exam.
Academic Integrity
You agree to abide by the Academic Integrity policy of the University. See this page for a summary. Violating any of the exam rules is adademic misconduct.
You must complete the exam by yourself. It must be your own work. You must not help others.
The exam is “open book and notes” - however, this refers to materials created before the exam. If someone posts something during the exam, it should not be consulted. (except for announcements made by the course staff via Piazza).
You must not communicate with any student in class during the exam window. If we allow you to take the exam during the alternate window, you must not communicate with any student in class from the beginning of the alternate window until the end of the regular window. Remember, the exam window includes the time after you finish your exam.
You must not communicate with anyone about the exam or the exam topics (anything computer graphics related) during the exam window. For example, you should not post things on a web site or messaging platform. The only exception is to send a private Piazza post to Course staff if there is a problem during the exam.
You must not post any part of the exam online, except to convey a problem to the course staff (see “In Case of Problems During the Exam” below).
Do not share access codes or take the wrong exams. We will check to make sure people have taken the correct exams at the correct times using the information logged in Canvas.
Exam Accommodations
Please contact the Professor by email before 5pm, Friday May 1st if you need an accomodation for one of the following reasons:
Types of things that might need to be accommodated:
You have a McBurney accommodation (please be specific about your needs, and why taking the exam as a series of short Canvas quizzes where you can take breaks in between is insufficient).
You are more than 6 time zones away from Madison so it would be impractical for you to take the exam within the window of 1pm-6pm Madison time. (please tell me what the range of times 1-6pm Madison time is, please let me know if 7pm Madison time on May 5th is a better time for you).
You do not have access to a reliable internet connection during the exam time. (please tell me what internet connection you have been able to use to participate in class / watch lectures / turn in assignments, and why this will not work for the exam)
You have some other problem that means it will be difficult for you to take the exam. Please explain in detail.
The alternate exam time slot is 7-9pm, Tuesday, May 5th. (this is 8am in UTC+8). This will only be feasible for a small number of students who have a good reason. Students taking this will need to satisfy some other criteria that I will discuss with them. This exam window will only be 2 hours long.