The prefered way to communicate with the course staff is via Piazza.
If you have a question about grading, post a private message to course staff. It will be difficult to answer grading questions in person (either in class or at consulting hours).
Piazza Rules
If you think that your question may be of interest to other students, please post it publicly.
If the course staff feels a posting is inappropriate for being public, we may make it private. We will not make a private message public without asking the author first.
Please do not post code to Piazza - especially solutions to assignments. Small fragments are OK. It’s OK to be helpful, but its not OK to give away the key ideas of the assignments.
Office / Consulting Hours
The course staff will have regular walk-in consulting hours most days of the week in room 4331 Computer Sciences (the conference room near the elevators).
The plan is to have at least one TA and one Peer Mentor for all of these times:
- Monday: 3-6pm
- Tuesday: 4-6pm (except for January 28th)
- Thursday: 4-6pm
- Friday: 4-6pm
- Sunday: 3-6pm (in 1304)
There will also be consulting hours on Sunday, 3-6pm. Young and Haochen will be on the 1st floor of the CS building. They will be in room 1304.
Prof. Gleicher has an office hour on Wednesdays at 11am. He might also show up for some of the 4331 consulting times.
All of the course staff is also available by appointment. Please send a message via Piazza (private to course staff).
After Class
We cannot stay after class to answer questions. However, there are consulting hours after the end of class. (at 4pm in 4331 CS on both days).