This reading is a bit different than usual. Please do the reading (and the posting) before class on Wednesday, April 3rd.
I want you to read something about the technology used to make a (commercial movie). The articles tend to be a bit less technical.
You need to read at least one article from Cinefex magazine about a computer animation heavy, recent film. I’ve gotten 4 for you, in the directory in the protected course reader. (warning, in that directory, there are 2 copies of each a HUGE pdf (often 200MB) and a reduced size one. links below are to the reduced size – even the reduced ones are over 10MB each).
- Avatar (note: this doesn’t have color)
- TinTin
- The Hobbit
- The Life of Pi
And, find at least one online resource that is semi-technical, and talks about how a movie was made. Here are some suggestions:
- tintin
- Rango (not so great)
- Avatar
- Sintel
These are pretty light reading.
Make a post on Moodle saying what you read and what you learned from it.