Assignment due: 8am, Thursday, January 22nd.
Turn-in link: ‘Seek and Find 1’ on Canvas
This is a seek and find assignment. You need to find a visualization and bring it back to us (that is, put it on canvas). Please be sure to see the general seek and find assignment instructions.
For this assignment you must bring us a …. (data) visualization!
The idea here is to see how common visualizations are in the world. My guess is you’ve seen a lot of them in the past week. Bring us one of them. It should be something you find interesting, and would have encountered in your life. You shouldn’t have to look hard to find one. But, you might want to look a little bit for an interesting one.
Remember, there are some ground rules. It can’t be one you made, it has to be something that is publically available, etc. Try to find one that you think is interesting – because we may be discussing it in class.
We (the course staff) will look over the responses before class, and pick some to use in the lesson, which is why we have the odd (early) deadline. However, for this assignment there is some leniency, since another aspect of this assignment is to figure out the canvas infrastructure. But please, try to get things in on time.
When you turn in your visualization remember to:
- include a picture (png, jpg or svg) as a file
- include answers to the three questions below in a text file (with extension .txt), along with a link to where the picture is (in context)
In the text file, please answer the following questions (a sentence for each is all it takes):
- What is this visualization?
- What does it show?
- Why are you interested in it?
- What is the URL of the visualization?
Turn your assignment in on Canvas here. For this seek and find, we’re turning it in via the assignments mechanism.
Note: although Canvas says 5 points, this one won’t count as much as other assignments.