Assignment 1 / Reading 1: A First Paper!

by Mike Gleicher on January 13, 2012

due before Wednesday, January 25th – You need to have made your posting before I look at the postings on Wednesday morning. It’s safest to make your posting before 6am – because I often am up that early!

This first assignment has three goals, which make it a little different than the typical reading:

  1. To read and learn from a Vis paper – not just because the system they describe is good, but because its a nice account of the entire vis processs.
  2. To get a handle on how the diversity of the class can cope with reading Computer Science papers. For many of you in other disciplines this might be the first technical CS paper you’ve read.
  3. To test out some of the class mechanics.

The reading for this assignment is the paper:

  • Borkin MA, Gajos KZ, Peters A, et al. Evaluation of artery visualizations for heart disease diagnosis. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics. 2011;17(12):2479-88. (official link)

You can get the paper from the authors website here. There is other info on the website, For this assignment, it is particularly important to read the paper. Part of the reason for this assignment is that I want people to really look at a Vis technical paper. (although, this one is a case study and a little less technical than many).

Read the paper and be prepared to discuss it in class on Wednesday, January 25.

As with all readings, there will be a “Question” on Piazza from me that you need to respond to. For this reading, I want you to give your thoughts on the paper – since we’re all coming from different backgrounds, I expect we will all get different things from it. (Piazza question page for this discussion)

When you read the paper: please note any terms or concepts that you don’t understand. Part of the goal of this exercise is to get a sense of what people do and don’t know (in terms of vocabulary, …). This paper is a relatively easy read if you work in the field, but I want to get a sense of how easy is it for the diverse audience of the class. Please include a list of difficult to understand terms/concepts/… Some of the challenge will be understanding the domain science.

This paper is good because it makes use of a lot of the things we’ll do in class – it’s a good way to look forward to the kinds of things we’re going to learn about.

You need to make your posting before Wednesday morning, so I can read them before class to plan the in-class discussion.

Additional Readings


I chose the Artery Vis paper because it is a pretty accessible case study that uses a lot of Vis techniques, and doesn’t neatly fall into any particular category (is it InfoVis or SciVis? 2D or 3D? …) – all that’s irrelevant. It’s a nice attack on an interesting problem that brings lots of pieces together.

For the purposes of this assignment, I could have chosen a different paper. Here are two I considered:

  • Jo Wood, Donia Badawood, Jason Dykes, and Aidan Slingsby. “BallotMaps: detecting name bias in alphabetically ordered ballot papers.” IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 17, no. 12 (December 2011): 2384-91. (official link) (author’s link).
  • Meyer, M, T Munzner, and H Pfister. “MizBee: A Multiscale Synteny Browser.” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15, no. 6 (2009): 897–904 (author’s version).

We used the latter for this initial assignment last year.

For future reading assignments, we’ll use the same Piazza page for both required and optional readings. However, for this assignment there will be a separate Piazza Question for discussing these additional readings. (Piazza question for discussing optional readings)

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