CS838 Week 3_2 Vis Assignment4: work in pair. (Jim Hill) : vis critique ================== On mappings and visual encodings: importance of purpose. - dealing with math and mapping in non-standard sense - "task bravery": if you know your task, you can dare making non-standard attempts => is it intended for a short route? long distance? ---------------- Data ====> Variables ====> visual attributes mapping visual encoding projection design Choosing encodings: refer to Munzner 's Vis. book chapter (Fig.27.5 adapted from Mackinlay) - networks: connection as data... categorical? quantitative? => bit of all. - What encoding options are better for making comparisons? => least perceivable differences... position? color? (no, easily deceivable) *John Snow's study: encoding position into position position data ==> x,y ==> position *What if we use position by color ? - tying to other variables, such as # of houses by color => discarding position information: if not going into position-specific queries. - 'natural map' into scatterplot: less effective in quantitative exploration * LineDrive case: - dumps position encoding, uses connection ('sequence of instructions') - Have to be sure, to dare this approach: "no one will ask that (which I dumped)" limited resources vs rich information: constant compromise Distortion: why is it good/bad? distance, orientation, shape, area - good: less cluttering, etc - bad: properties don't get preserved (angle, ratio, distance, continuity, invertable, etc) e.g. 3D sphere ->2D plain mercator map: giving up area accuracy to preserving continuity e.g. Fisheye view. log plots. 3D pie charts(bad vis). image-retargetry: distorting without letting know the viewer