In order to try out some of the ideas we’ve learned in the early part of class, we need to know how to make our programs do stuff in the web browser, so we can write programs that do something.
The readings for this part are 3 chapters in Eloquent JavaScript.
- Chapter 12 JavaScript and the Browser
- Chapter 13 The Document Object Model
- Chapter 14 Handling Events
Don’t expect to get all the pesky details. In practice, when you do this kind of programming you are constantly searching the web for a reference (what is that attribute called again?)
For these readings, there will be no discussion. But, there will be some small programming puzzles so you can try out the ideas.
Even though there is no check that you’ve done the readings, please:
- Give them a quick skim either before the October 6 lecture, or shortly after
- Really read them before the October 13th lecture
I’ve created a Canvas discussion for people to ask (and hopefully answer) questions. We’ll see if that works.
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