
Javascript in CS559

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Programming assignments in CS559 will use the Javascript programming language. We will help you learn Javascript, if you aren’t already familiar with it. What’s on this page If you’re not already a JavaScript programmer, you may prefer to start at the end of the page Advice on learning JavaScript. A short explanation about the use of JavaScript in CS559 A short description of the rules for using JavaScript in CS559 The motivation for using JavaScript in CS559 The rationale for the rules about using JavaScript in CS559 A discussion of versions of JavaScript (which will explain what we’re using and help you use it) A discussion of tools you can use for JavaScript Advice on learning JavaScript - including books and online resources Basic Idea of JavaScript in CS559 You must do all of the programming assignments for CS559 in JavaScript. Read more…

Tools for 559

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Preface: For programming in this class, you will want to have good tools. Good tools make programming easier, and let you focus on the (more fun and interesting) content. You will also need to have tools to work with GIT for source control as this will be our mechanism for handing in assignments. Some ideas on how to install the recommended tools (on Windows) are provided at Software. Overview of Programming Tools for CS559 In CS559, you will do a substantial amount of JavaScript programming. Read more…

Technical Requirements

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You will need to provide your own equipment for class. The requirements aren’t much different than any other class. You’ll need a capable computer, a decent internet connection, a camera, and the ability to do audio and video for communications. Computer You need a computer that is good enough to participate in class. The communication tools we use (e.g., Zoom) is generally are not too demanding. More importantly, since this is a graphics class, your computer will need to run the graphics programs that you will write. Read more…

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) for CS559

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We recommend using Visual Studio Code (VSCode) for doing the programming assignments in CS559. You will need to use some text editor for editing JavaScript programs and web pages (e.g., html and css files). It is worth investing your time in learning to use good tools (like VSCode). Why I recommend VSCode: VSCode has great support for JavaScript editing. It does the basics very well (autoformatting, syntax highlighting, …) as well as more advanced editing features (code refactoring, …). Read more…


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It will be really worth your time to set you computer up for class. The tools you need are discussed at Tools for 559. Here are some steps that I used to set up a Windows laptop for working on class projects. This can give you a sense of how to get the things on the Tools for 559 page setup on your machine. It will probably be different for you. Read more…

Zoom for CS559

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We will use Zoom for this class: both to record in-person lectures as well as for online meetings with course staff. Access to the Zoom meetings can be found through Canvas. There will be meetings for each lecture, as well as a recurring meeting for staff consulting hours. For Lectures Students will keep their cameras and microphones off, unless we specifically ask you to turn it on (for example if we want you to speak to the class to expand upon a question). Read more…