Preliminary Announcement for Fall 1999:

CS638: Special Topics in Computer Science: Computer Graphics

Note: this class is really "Introduction to Computer Graphics." For a complex set of reasons, it it being taught with the 638 number and "Special Topics" title. You should not take this class if you've already taken another "introduction to graphics" class.


Michael Gleicher


9:30-10:45 Tuesday/Thursday


Despite what the timetable says, this course is not by "consent of the instructor" if you meet the prerequisites, you can enroll. If you do not meet the prerequisites, you will probably have a difficult time in this class.

To take this you should have a knowledge of data structures (e.g. CS367 or equivalent) and linear algebra (Math 320 or 340 or equivalent). You should be capable of (and willing to) write and debug substantial programs.

The ability to program in C++ is strongly recommended. If you can program in C or Java, this may be acceptable.


The grade in this course will come from:

  • Programming Projects (3 or 4)
  • Exams (final, and probably a midterm)
  • Homeworks and Quizzes


The goal of this course is to provide an overview of the field of computer graphics for advanced undergrads and graduate students. A rough (and tentative) outline (that is probably not the order of topics in the class):

  • Pictures and their computer representation (signal theory, sampling, color science, quantization, compression, anti-aliasing...)
  • Basic Geometry (coordinate systems, circles, lines, polygons, scan conversion, ...)
  • Representation and Modeling of Geometry (polygonal representations, curves, surfaces, CSG, hierarchy, transformations, ...)
  • Structure and Design of Interactive Systems (UI design, UI implementation, event loops, polling, ...)
  • Viewing 3D (homogeneous coordinates, viewing transforms, perspective, camera models, ...)
  • Realism (hidden surfaces, lighting, shading, texture, shadows, ...)
  • Graphics Systems (the graphics pipeline, hardware, rendering algorithms, ray-tracing, ...)
  • Moving Objects (computer animation, dynamics, keyframing, ...)

This may seem like a lot for a semester - and it is.


To Be Determined (probably Computer Graphics, C Edition by Hearn and Baker or Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, by Foley et. al)

The OpenGL Programming Guide will either be an optional or required additional text.

Related Courses

This is "the same" course as the other "Intro to Graphics" courses here at UW. Since the instructor is different, the topics may be altered.

In terms of content, this course will probably be more similar in content to the Intro to Graphics course taught at other universities.


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