Lecture 1: (9/2/99) : Welcome and Policies

Readings: none (handouts will be given in class)

In this lecture, we will get acquainted and discuss the policies and procedures for the class.

Lecture 2: (9/7/99) : Overview and Intro

Required reading assignment: Chapters 1 and 2 of Hearn and Baker. These chapters are pretty light reading and are just meant to give you an overview of the topics we are going to talk about this semester.

Optional reading assignment: Chapter 1 of Poynton. This mainly talks about issues in dealing with video, and has lots of video specific terminology.

Lecture 3: (9/9/99): Basics of Images

Required reading assignment: Section 14-3 in Hearn and Baker and "Gamma" (chapter 6 of Poynton's book) provided in the course reader. Do not worry about the details of gamma for video.

Lecture 4: (9/14/99): Color

Required reading assignment: Section 14-4 and Chapter 15 of Hearn and Baker.

Lecture 5: (9/16/99): Image Representations

No required reading

Lecture 6: (9/21/99): Sampling and Signal Processing

Required reading assignment: My notes on basic signal processing (available soon) and Pat Hanrahan's notes on signal processing (in the reader), my notes on signal processing (on the web). You should get the basic idea of the signal processing concepts, but you aren't expected to master the topic (signal processing is a course by itself (or several)). For the first time through, you should become familair with the words.